Thursday, August 7, 2008


1. Keep a weekly journal of your accomplishments so you'll have them when it's time to update your resume.

2. Listen 80%, talk 20%. Sometimes the best thing to say in a business discussion is absolutely nothing.
3. It's often a mistake to let work become 100% of your life. extreme work enthusiasts- workaholics - overproduce and overachieve, but then burn out, and some never recover. "Moderation in all things," is not a bad idea.

4. Career tests are like blood tests; they give you an accurate, 360- degree profile of you as a career person.

5. Stay focused on your gifts- your genius- not your mediocrities. Do what you are best at.

6. "Do first things first, and second things not at all." Business results are important, but people around you are important, too, especially today, in increasingly team-oriented environment. spend 50% of your timegetting results, and 50% of your time developing career-sustaining relationships, both inside and outside your organization.

7. Never be unemployed, even for a day. if you lose your job, volunteer immediately to put your skills back to work, for a friend, for a consultant, in a non-profit org - anywhere.

8. We are all, always being interviewed. Every business encounter i a 'job interview" you just don't know it. Strangers are judging, evaluating, and classifying you every moment; so act accordingly.

9. Think of your career as a public relations campaign and try to generate friendships as much as business results and cash. Pro-Tips.

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