Tuesday, August 12, 2008


AWe know that delegation is important if we we want to train leaders for the company. We also know that delegation helps us manage our time wisely. Question is, do you delegate? Here are the tips on how to delegate successfully. “Smart Moves” 10 rules for delegation:
  1. Make sure the employee has the skill, talent and ability to perform the job. Do not delegate a job destined to result in failure or frustration.
  2. Check with your boss. Unless you have been given complete discretion in this matter, be certain the boss agrees to your giving up a particular responsibility.
  3. Delegate not only the menial unimportant jobs but also the significant ones. Kasi iisipan ng mga tao, if you delegate important responsibilities you are communicating to the person, that you trust the person, you value his or her judgment and they have the ability to do what you ask them to do. Employees will see this as a vote of confidence.
  4. Make sure subordinates clearly understand the task. Have your subordinate describe what they think you want them to accomplish.
  5. Allow the subordinate latitude in how the job should be performed. Your way is not the only way. Tel this to yourself - “My way is not the only way.” However, if there are rules or constraints which must be followed make sure you communicate them.
  6. Provide all the resources necessary to perform the job. If you are going to delegate also provide the necessary help.
  7. Remain accessible. Always provide a safety net for the subordinate. Be available but do not engage in over-the-shoulder surveillance o micromanage.
  8. If the job is performed well, praise the subordinate.
  9. If the job is not performed well, tell your subordinate how to improve.
  10. Delegate often because everyone wins in that situation. You are able to multiply yourself, you are able to manage your time well, and you are able to train future leaders for your company.
Be a blessing in the workplace today.

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