Saturday, September 13, 2008

VX10000 Voyager

And here we think that only Nokia, Sony Erickson and Samsung are the best mobile phones in the world. Take a look at these LG Phones with their very own attributes and design...

The LG Voyager was released November 2007, with its profound design and features like that of the iPhone $300 is not bad at all. Actually according to ViewScore the LG Voyager wants to be an APPLE iPhone killer, and it could be the very first bona fide contender. It does plenty of things that the iPhone can't, and while it isn't perfect, for many users its shortcomings won't detract from the significant advantages over Apple's device. It packs in an amazingly vast array of features that includes 3G data, an auto-focus camera, true mobile TV, dual 2.8" displays, a full QWERTY keyboard, HTML Web browsing, Bluetooth® Capable, microSDTM Memory Port and the large external touchscreen.

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